
Egypt Consulate UK > التأشيرات

القنصلية العامة لا تقبل التعامل نقدا فى المعاملات القنصلية التى تتم بالبريد، وهي غير مسئولة عن فقدان النقود داخل للمظروف البريدي. القنصلية العامة تقبل فقط الحوالات البريدية في المعاملات التى تتم بالبريد وبحيث تكون مطبوعة وليست مكتوبة بخط اليد، وتكون باسم Consulate General of Egypt

قسم التأشيرات لا يقبل التعامل النقدى فى حالة التقديم بمقر القنصلية العامة، ويقبل فقط التسديد بالكارت البنكي

General Information

إرشادات مُحدثة للمواطنين السودانيين

يتعين على حامل جواز السفر السوداني الحصول على موافقة مُسبقة من السلطات المختصة قبل منح تأشيرة الدخول، وذلك اعتبارا من يوم 18 سبتمبر 2024.
سوف تستقبل القنصلية العامة في لندن طلبات الحصول على تأشيرة الدخول من حاملي جوازات السفر السودانية بالبريد فقط.
يجب توفير المستندات التالية عند التقدم بطلب الحصول على تأشيرة بالبريد:
استمارة الحصول على تأشيرة الدخول مطبوعة من على موقع القنصلية العامة مستوفاة، ومعها  صورة فوتوغرافية.
صورة ملونة واضحة جواز سفر ساري لمدة 6 شهور على الأقل (غير ممدد يدويا أو عن طريق إستيكر).
صورة BRP / Share Code إقامة سارية فى المملكة المتحدة صالحة لمدة ستة أشهر على الأقل.
هام جدا:
لا يجب حجز تذكرة السفر قبل الحصول على تأشيرة الدخول، وستقوم القنصلية العامة بالاتصال بالمتقدم حينما ترد الموافقة من الجهات المختصة.
    1. Nationals of the following countries can obtain a visa upon arrival at any of the Egyptian ports of entry: UK, EU members, USA, Australia, Croatia, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Macedonia, Republic of Korea, and Canada.
    2. A UK Residence Permit valid for at least 6 months from the date of issuing the visa must be presented when applying, (print the confirmation of the valid residency/Profile from the Home Office Website); with the exception to citizens from the following countries: EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand. (Other requirements may be needed for certain nationalities indicated in Section I).
    3. Nationals of the following countries: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iran, Mali, Niger, Syria, Palestine and Israel, AND holders of a British Travel Documents; are required to obtain a clearance from the competent authorities in Egypt, which may take up to 3 months.
    4. Nationals of the UK, EU members, and the USA travelling to Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba resorts ONLY, for a maximum of 15 DAYS, do not require a visa prior to travelling, as a FREE entry permission stamp will be granted upon arrival. If they intend to travel outside of the above-mentioned areas, they MUST obtain a Visa.
    5. Business visas are required for conferences, seminars, business missions and courses.
    6. The Egyptian Consulate General in London reserves the right to refuse granting a visa.
    7. The Airport Authorities reserve the right not to allow entry of a bearer of a visa. 

Applying for visa in person


  1. Passports of all nationalities must be valid for at least 6 months on the date of issuing the visa.
  2. A UK Residence Permit valid for at least 6 months from the date of issuing the visa must be presented when applying, (print the confirmation of the valid residency/Profile from the Home Office Website); with the exception to citizens from the following countries: EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand. (Other requirements may be needed for certain nationalities indicated in Section I).
  3. The applicant must provide two recent coloured passport size photographs (45mm x 35mm) taken against a white background, with the name of the applicant written on the back, attached to the application form.
  4. A completed application form must be provided by each applicant. Forms can be obtained from the Consulate General or downloaded by clicking below.
  5. Only card payments are accepted when applying in person. Postal orders with a pre-paid return envelope are accepted when applying by post. (See Visa Fees).
  6. Citizens of Sudan, South Africa and Yemen are granted a Curtsey Visa.
  7. Collection: Given that all necessary documents are provided, the visa may be collected within 5 to 7 business days. The applicant who applies in person should collect his/her passport in person, as the Consulate General will not send his/her passport by post, even if a return envelope is provided.

Updated 3 July 2024

Applying for visa by post


  1. All passports must be valid for at least 6 months on the date of travelling.
  2. A UK Residence Permit valid for at least 6 months from the date of issuing the visa must be presented when applying, (print the confirmation of the valid residency/Profile from the Home Office Website); with the exception to citizens from the following countries: EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand. (Other requirements may be needed for certain nationalities indicated in Section I).
  3. The applicant must provide two recent coloured passport sized photographs (45mm x 35mm) taken against a white background, with the name of the applicant written on the back and attached to the application form.
  4. A completed application form must be provided by each applicant. Forms can be obtained from the Consulate General or downloaded by clicking below.
  5. The EXACT amount of the visa fee is to be sent by Postal Order ONLY. Postal Orders must be made payable to (The Egyptian Consulate General), typed with the name and information of ‘The Egyptian Consulate General (not in handwriting) and have the initials and postcode of sender written on the back.
  6. If the postal order is not sent with the EXACT amount, it will be returned to the sender with all his/her documents and the consulate will not issue the visa.
  7. A self-addressed return envelope with name and address clearly written in BLOCK CAPITAL letters, with registered or special delivery stamps ONLY must be sent with the application/s, so that the Consulate can return the envelope by Special Delivery/ Registered mail. Applicants are advised to check with the Post Office regarding the rate, weight and routing of their passport/s.
  8. No franked mail will be accepted.
  9. Given that all necessary documents are provided, the visa application form will be processed within 5 to 10 business days from receiving the envelope by post. Passports and applications sent to the Consulate General by post must be returned to the applicants by post and cannot be collected in person.
  10. If the above requirements are not fulfilled, the Consulate General will return the documents without issuing the visa.
  11. The applicant must be present at the address written on the return envelope during Post Office delivery hours to receive and sign for receipt of his/her passport, to avoid their return to the Consulate General.
  12. Passports can be returned to the applicant’s work address, but please ensure that the correct address is written on the return envelope.
  13. Multiple visa applications may be sent to the Consulate General in the same envelope. The applicant must ensure that the correct size of the self-addressed envelope is enclosed.

Updated 3 July 2024

Visa fees

Visa Fees          

FEES (£)









UK and all other Nationalities that are not listed below





Cyprus Denmark, Finland, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Sweden, and USA










Sudan, Yemen, South Africa

Fee Exempt
(Visa must still be obtained)



















If applying by post the fee must be paid by postal order.
If applying in person the fee can be paid by Card only when applying in person.

Section I


  1. For holders of travel documents and nationals from the following countries, (Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iran, Mali, Niger, Palestine and Israel), a clearance must be obtained from the competent Authorities in Egypt.
  2. Processing the clearance request takes at least 8 weeks and may take up to 3 months. The Consulate General will contact the applicant via email/telephone/SMS to inform him/her of the decision made regarding his/her clearance request. DO NOT make any flight or hotel bookings before obtaining the necessary clearance.
  3. The passport, any original required documents, and fees are NOT required until the clearance is obtained.
  4. When applying for a clearance request, a copy of the following document are required: Passport or travel document; UK Residency Permit BRP or Share Code; a completed application form; Two recent identical coloured passport sized photographs (45mm x 35mm) taken against a white background, with the name of the applicant written on the back.
  5. Payment of fees is NOT required until the clearance is obtained.
  6. The visa fee will depend on the nationality of the applicant (see visa fees).
  7. When the clearance is obtained, the original passport/ travel document; original UK Residency Permit BRP/ Share Code; and the application form must be provided either in person, by post or via a third party in order to issue the visa.
  8. Some nationalities who are not resident in the UK may be required a clearance from the competent authorities in Egypt.


Updated 3 July 2024

Important information

  • Single Entry Visas are valid for 3 months and allow a maximum stay of 30 days in Egypt ONLY.
  • Multiple Entry Visas are valid for 6 months and allow a collective stay of 90 days in Egypt ONLY.
  • A multiple entry visa is valid for one individual passport, and allows the applicant to travel more than once to Egypt, within the 6 months validity.
  • Only one visa is required if passport holder has children under 16 years old added to his/her passport.
  • Children who have their own passports (including babies) require a visa on their passports. If under 16 and applying without an adult then a letter from the parent or legal guardian is necessary.
  • Business visa applications must be submitted with a letter from the Company stating the purpose of the visit,Name and address of the organization to be visited in Egypt.
  • EU & USA Nationals are exempted from registration with the local police.
  • Visitors from Egyptian origin or married to Egyptian nationals can obtain a multiple visa free of charge upon providing official proof such as an Egyptian ID if the applicant is originally Egyptian or spouse ‘s Egyptian ID and the marriage certificate if the applicant’s spouse is Egyptian.
  • There is a limit of L.E.5,000 and $10,000 or equivalent, on the amount of cash allowed to be carried in or out of Egypt.
  • Residency permit can only be applied for and obtained in Egypt.
  • Work permits can only be obtained from the local authorities in Egypt, (for further details please check work permits).
  • Pets accompanied by passengers travelling to Egypt require a health certificate legalised by the Veterinary authorities in the United Kingdom indicating all required vaccinations have been administered to the pet, especially Rabies. The administered date of vaccinations should not exceed one year and should not be less than one month.

To Download Visa Application Form, Click Here