Authentication/ endorsement of British / Foreign Marriage

Egypt Consulate UK > Consular Services > Authentication/ endorsement of British / Foreign Marriage

Please download the instructions and the fill out the information needed in the attachments and bring it with you at the agreed date:

تعليمات ونماذج التصادق على الزواج

Authentication/ endorsement of British / Foreign Marriage

General Information:

**At least one of the marriage parties has to be an Egyptian citizen.

**Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

**Marriage service is only by appointments; kindly email us a scanned copy of the following documents to set up an appointment.


  • Both Parties have to be present at the Consulate to complete the authentication/endorsement procedure.
  • Original & valid Egyptian National ID or valid Passport.
  • 5 personal photos each (white background).
  • Original Birth Certificates (or a certified copy) for both spouses.
  • 2 witnesses (belonging to the same religion of the marrying couple) a with original and valid Egyptian National ID or Passport.
  • Original British marriage certificate along with certified Arabic translation (Both marriage certificate as well as its certified translation have to be legalized by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office-FCDO).
  • Fees are 220 GBP.
  • Please send a Copy of all these documents to :

**The Consulate sends the application to Cairo and receives the original legalized & registered Marriage Certificate within 2-3 months.